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Cyberattacks Led by Email Spoofing

What is Email Spoofing?

Email Spoofing is a form of phishing cyberattack. Cybercriminals use email spoofing to create believable phishing emails. Email spoofing is a favorite attack vector for Cybercriminals. It is because email protocols lack in-built authentication.

Why do Cybercriminals deploy Email Spoofing?

Email spoofing is a gateway to a phishing attack. Brand impersonation is a component of an email spoofing cyberattack. Impersonating emails from a known brand and making them seem legit to the business users.

Fig: Serious risks associated with Spoofing Cyberattacks

Reasons why cybercriminals use email spoofing in phishing cyberattacks:

  • Cybercriminal impersonates a trusted source making the user act on malicious content. The user lands on a phishing site putting in login credentials. Even further, doing money transfers to faulty accounts and other nefarious acts.
  • Cybercriminals want to get past spam filters or blocked sender lists.
  • To make users click on links and download attachments spreading Malware like Ransomware.
  • Cybercriminals use Business Email Compromise (BEC) cyberattacks to get the required information. They send spoof messages disguised as business suppliers and partners to trick users. BEC is an expensive cyberattack.
  • Impersonating a government mandated update urging users to update or share their information. A sense of urgency drives users to provide financial or personal data.

“The SlashNext State of Phishing Report 2022 detected an 80% increase in threats from trusted services such as Microsoft, Amazon Web Services, or Google with thirty-two percent of all threats now being hosted on trusted services.”

How to protect your business from Email Spoofing?

Email spoofing is a malicious communication that poses a significant security threat. It is one of the most devious and effective ways to target users and be successful. It is to convince the recipient that the email originates from a trusted source.

It is necessary to take preventive measures against Email Spoofing as shown in the diagram below.

Wrap Up

Businesses should provide Cyber Security awareness training to their employees. It enables your employees to learn about email spoofing and phishing cyber threats. Phishing cyberattacks are a growing pandemic. Cybercriminals are improvising their tactics to lure cyber victims using email phishing cyberattacks. Invest in good Phishing simulation software for your organization. 

Collaborate with a specialized Cyber Security company like SNS ( [email protected] )! We can get the best-in-class Phishing simulation to reduce cyber risks to a great extent.


Secure Network Solutions (SNS) provides a quantifiable, risk-based approach to building a global structure of cyber security infrastructure based on internationally recognized frameworks and practices. We have been providing services and catering to clients across industries for the last 22 years. Write to us at [email protected] or visit us at


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